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No one likes the idea of getting dust on their image sensor.  So lets see what to do to avoid this undesirable condition.  Just following a few guidelines will significantly reduce your chances of collecting dust on your sensor.

1. Change Lenses only when you really need to

When you change lens, you expose the sensitive sensor to whatever environment you are in.  With a bit of preplanning it is frequently possible to avoid changing lenses as often.  When you can, group shots requiring the same lenses together.  Try not to jump back and forth between the same lenses.

2. Shut the Power Off when Changing Lenses

When powered on, the sensor is carrying an electrical charge that can attract dust like a magnet.  Turn off your camera and give it a few seconds (20 or 30 if possible) to dissipate that charge before changing lenses.  Most modern DSLRs have such a quick start up time that the time lost making this important step is minimal.

3. Be Prepared and Do it Quickly

Have your next lens as well as front & rear lens caps ready to go before making the lens change.  Don't leave the rear of the lens uncovered while you search in your camera bag for the caps.  If you minimize the time with your sensor and glass exposed, you will minimize the dust you pick up.

4. Shield Your Equipment from the Environment

Try to change lenses in a protective envioronments.  It is best to avoid changing the lens in windy conditions or in a dusty environment.  When you have to change in bad conditions, improvise.  Perhaps you can step into a more protected area or use your camera bag or friend as a shield.  Some photographers will keep a lens attached to it's own body.  When you are at home and have the time remember to clean the outside of your camera with a brush that you do not use on the optics.  This reduces the opportunity for dust to be dislodged from the body during a lens change and end up on the sensor.

5. Only Use Approved Methods of Cleaning

Eventually you are probably going get a speck of dust on your sensor.  Many tools or products can cause major damage if used to clean your image sensor.  Do not use compressed air - the propellant can sometimes be expelled onto your equipment and be very damaging.  Do not use standard cotton swabs - the fibers are too rough and can leave dust & permanent scratches behind.  Do not use lens cleaning clothes or brushes for the same reason.  These are suitable for lenses but not digital image sensors.  We recommend Delkin SensorSafe Wands or other swabs especially designed for cleaning the sensor. 

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